Yellow brick  /  Actions  /  Roaming, Digging, Planting, Meeting, Welcoming, 3 137 | FAR – Floor Area Ratio

Roaming, Digging, Planting, Meeting, Welcoming, 3 137 | FAR – Floor Area Ratio

with 3 13701/12/20, 01/12/2020 Actions

This project explores multiplicities through singularities, by inviting participant artists of Yellow Brick to contribute to a collective sound performance, reflecting echoes, vibes and noises.

Mixed by Eliana Otta based on an edition made by G.Delagrammatikas, V.Sifostratoudaki, and M.Tsichlis.
Special thanks to T.Tzatzanis.


Many thanks to 
the team 3 137 for their invitation to participate at the project FAR – Floor Area Ratio.
Rodrigo Andreolli
Helmut Batista
Alice Bonnot
Hera Buyuktascian
Campus Novel
Ulufer Celik
Amalia Charichiopoulou
Raluca Croitoru and Dan Fogarty
Giannis Delagrammatikas
Nikos Doulos
Michael Edwards
Angelica Falkeling
Ilke Gers
Eva Giannakopoulou
Clara J:son Borg
Ash Kilmartin and Collette Rayner
Markela Ksilogiannopoulou
Bernd Krauss & Vivian Sky Rehberg
Petros Lolis
Michelle Mantsio
Paul Nieboer
Maria Nikiforaki
Ruth Noack
Eliana Otta
Viktorija Rybakova
Vasiliki Sifostratoudaki
Giannis Sinioroglou
Kiriakos Spyrou
Manos Tsichlis
Tomee Tzatzanis

for their wonderfull contributions.

Image Credits Typical Organization (1)

Digital Collage by Markela Ksilogiannopoulou (2-4)