Liz Allan will be making a newspaper, an audio piece (recording and reading) and a video. Her inspiration for this project is the idea of Epos and mythology which entails the storytelling of the Greek. She will conduct an isute research both in Athens and Rotterdam through interviews, reading stories and searching historical archives. From that she will add another layer to the idea of Greek storytelling by writing stories which contains news, opinions, stories fact and fiction, reviews, self help, recipes, histories and translations. As it is read this magical newspaper unravels. This magical newspaper will be distributed in Athens and Rotterdam together with the audio piece and video (online). “A magical newspaper” that is made of a cloth woven from the social fabric of a thousand artist’s thoughts and hopes and dreams. The artists have been channelled into this area of the world from far flung places by a series of circumstances and now live together in a pre-gentrified state in a post-socialist hyper-capitalist ecosystem. The newspaper is woven between their un consciousnesses, in their collective unconscious. The “magical newspaper” will be released in collaboration with Yellow Brick,Publication Studio Rotterdam and various spaces in Southern Rotterdam (to be confirmed over the course of the project).
STEP 20 was cancelled due to covid-19.