Yellow brick  /  Steps  /  STEP 36 | Display and Obscure

STEP 36 | Display and Obscure

with Anastasia Shin28/03/23, 28/03/2023 Steps

Yellow Brick presents the work of artist Anastasia Shin in a one-off workshop and an exhibition. The workshop takes place within the exhibition space and involves one hour of reading and discussing, followed by one hour of making paper beads. Its content has been formed during her residency at Yellow Brick, under the title “Display and Obscure”, in which Anastasia Shin proposed a sculptural research project that explores the development of the marketing and marketplace aesthetics within Nea Ionia’s trade and market areas. In her exhibition, Anastasia looks for a sense of locatedness and DIY, investigating local craft aesthetics within the context of current homogenising global marketplaces.

works with installation, text and sculpture to explore the habits of human behaviour. Her current research is concerned with the attention economies and communication