Yellow brick  /  Steps  /  STEP 52 | A fog of drowsy dreams

STEP 52 | A fog of drowsy dreams

with Andrea Meacham14/06/24, 06/05/2025 Steps Upcoming

Through a multidisciplinary experimental art practice, this project feels into the texture of fatigue – sand, spit, smog? The artist is tired. The kind of exhaustion that causes the spine to curl like a cat who sleeps in an empty pot under the warm morning sun not noticing the drool slowly pooling in the dirt. It’s also the kind of fog birthed from rage, its energy thwarted and dulled into persistent sleepiness, a longing for the haze of eternal rest and relaxation.

is a multidisciplinary artist working in Naarm, so-called Melbourne, Australia. Drawing from cinema, pop culture, music, sex and mythology, they create awkward tongue-in-cheek monuments to care, fragility and embarrassment. By embracing joyful melancholy and magical dreaming, Andrea’s practice seeks to cultivate encounters between artist and audience that examine contemporary anxieties relating to shame, fear and grief.