Yellow brick  /  Steps  /  STEP 39B | Ways of Doing, Ways of Becoming Together

STEP 39B | Ways of Doing, Ways of Becoming Together

with Juan Duque30/01/24, 15/06/2024 Steps Upcoming

For this time at Yellow Brick residency, I would like to continue a series of workshops developed during the previous residency period in 2023, which draws from my current PhD inquiry; I would like to explore epistemic diversity and temporality and reorient my art practice towards relational interconnection with local understandings of place, site and territory.

I propose the constitution of temporary places for exploring, exchanging, and creating collective knowledge through diverse art forms such as temporary sculpture constructions, expanded drawing and body movement. The project will implement the collaborative co-creation of performative scores as a methodology.

Juan Duque (Brussels) is an independent artist/researcher and curator who works across site-specific installations and situated performances. He is involved as PhD researcher at LUCA/KULeuven-BE. His work questions the constitution of temporary places for exploring, exchanging, and creating collective knowledge. Recent projects include U-jazdowski Castle Contemporary Art Center, Warsaw (2018), Geumcheon and Seoul ArtSpace, Seoul (2014) and SAVVY Contemporary Berlin, amongst others.