Yellow brick  /  Steps  /  STEP 40 | from, strike to starting

STEP 40 | from, strike to starting

with Sarah Rinderer05/04/23, 15/09/2023 Steps

Originally introduced in antiquity as pauses for public speakers|readers, Sarah Rinderer’s residency at Yellow Brick serves as a starting point to explore the political and resistive quality of punctuation marks, pauses and interruptions. This research is carried out by collecting ›parts‹ in various media in dialogue with Athens, the Greek language and alphabet, the literary|rhetoric tradition, type setting … always with the same attention to blanks and intermediate characters, to the seemingly small, as well as to letters.


  1. »–.!:, score|concert performance, 2019, photo by LBachmann
  2. Research|notebook, photo by LBachmann 
  3. Yes O do please stop, visual|acoustic intervention in public space, 2021, photo by Sarah Rinderer
  4. Artist book production (together with Christa Wall), 2016, photo by Leo Schatzl
  5. Comma, scan by Sarah Rinderer


studied Fine Arts and Cultural Studies at the Art University Linz and is now based in Vienna. Her artistic-literary practice focuses on dealing with language itself, its pauses, blanks and in-between-spaces. She exhibits, reads and publishes prose, poetry, artists’ books, (typo)graphic and concept-based works.