Yellow brick  /  Steps  /  STEP 42 | FOOTSTEPS, SCARS, TRACES


with Ienke Kastelein01/01/24, 01/04/2024 Calendar Steps

FOOTSTEPS, SCARS, TRACES is a dialogue between place, body, mind and memory, collecting and sharing findings and experiences. Walking around the city, the neighbourhood and the project-space of Yellow Brick, she absorbs everything like a sponge and then filters like a sieve,collecting objects, images, words, sounds; the body keeps the score. In this way she comes up with a site-specific blueprint for scored walks and/or performances and – a scene; a tapestry of objects as an archive. Transformation is the vehicle, with a bag or bundle as its vessel.

The residency concludes with a presentation at Yellow Bricks studio where traces of the residency will come together in an interactive presentation with the performance Do-Ing-No-Thing (The Thing of Being).

We listen to the sound of space, resonating voices and wandering memories and wonder about the nature of Things and how we are intertwined.


Curated by Vasiliki Sifostratoudaki in close dialogue with Ienke Kastelein.
Research advisor Nikos Doulos.
Cultural production and programme assistant Daphne Koufopanou Burt.


Exhibition text by Ienke Kastelein.
Translation by Evgenia Tsirantonaki and Matina Kyriakaki.


Image Credits:

Ienke Kastelein & Christina Fylaktopoulou.

Ienke Kastelein is an interdisciplinary artist with a background in visual arts based in Utrecht, the Netherlands. In her (site-specific) projects, performances and walks she explores sensorial ways to engage with the world and her audience. Her projects were presented in Athens, Strasbourg, Portugal, London New York, Apeldoorn, Utrecht and Dordrecht. New Habits, Casco, Walking with Chairs, AiOP New York, Unmaking the Netherlands with Expodium, Plant(e)scape Made of Walking Cyprus, Making Futures by Raumlabor in Berlin, Mind your Step, Zone2Source, Amsterdam.