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with Sarah Merten14/06/24, 01/10/2024 Steps Upcoming

A research into the conditions and motivation for making art.

I am particularly interested in the conditions under which art is created. I am convinced that the conditions under which art is made have a major influence on its output. Be it formal, infrastructural, financial, content-related or personal conditions.

In relation to these questions, I am particularly interested in the self-organized art scene. Artistic self-organization in particular is often linked to critical working conditions and precarity. With this in mind, I am therefore interested in motivation, but also in the potential of pleasure and desire as a critical artistic practice and counter-strategy within artistic self-organization.

In my residential stay at Yellow Brick, I want to follow a field research-based method led by personal contacts. I want to get to know Athens art scene, make studio visits to artists, visit exhibition spaces, hold talks/interviews with artists and cultural practitioners.


  1. Installation view: “Who Cares?! Current Perspectives on Care Work”, Vebikus Kunsthalle Schaffhausen, 1.6.-21.7.2024, works on display by: Azad Colemêrg (in the front), Marvin Jumo (in the back), Students of F+F School for Art and Design Zurich (on the left side). Photo: Marvin Jumo
  2. Installation view: “Who Cares?! Current Perspectives on Care Work”, Vebikus Kunsthalle Schaffhausen, 1.6.-21.7.2024, works on display by: Philip Ortelli (in the front/middle), Anna Appadoo & Veronika Fischer (on the left), tina omayemi reden and daughters with Naya de Souza (on the right), Ana Vujić (in the back). Photo: Marvin Jumo
  3. Installation view: Esther Amrein, part of the exhibition «Esther Amrein & Rosângela de Andrade Boss», Galerie im Gluri Suter Huus Wettingen, 15.10.–26.11.2023. Photo: Stefan Meier, Gemeinde Wettingen, 2023
  4. Installation view: Marion Ritzmann, part of the exhibition «Alex Hanimann & Marion Ritzmann», Galerie im Gluri Suter Huus Wettingen, 21.5.–2.7.2023. Photo: Esther Nora Mathis, 2023
  5. Installation view: paintings by Edlyn Brucker, textile objects by Viviana González Méndez, part of the exhibition «Edlyn Brucker & Viviana González Méndez», Galerie im Gluri Suter Huus Wettingen, 20.2–3.4.2022. Photo: Stefan Meier, Gemeinde Wettingen, 2022

is a curator and art historian based in Zurich, Switzerland. She is interested in different strategies of art mediation, the question of how (art) history is written and negotiated, as well as questions about the conditions of work, care and pleasure in and with art.