Yellow brick  /  Yellow Books  /  Zine | STEP 27

Zine | STEP 27

with Olivia Wiederkehr09/07/24, 01/09/2020 Yellow Books Zines

in the performative installation settings deals with historical, functional and social spaces, their conception and effects. She often speaks of ephemeral values that occur within temporal spaces. These spatial sides are not of haptic structure, but are located in the poetic moment of human existence. Her artistic work always moves within the axis of these ephemeral spaces in order to explore them in an aesthetic-haptic investigation.
She first studied stage design, then sculpture at the Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weissensee, as well as free art and media art in Basel (FHNW). Afterwards she completed her Master Fine Arts at the ZHdK in Zurich. She regularly participates in exhibitions in Switzerland and abroad.