with Yellow Brick, 25/01/25 25/01/2025
STEP | 58 Perátis (Περάτης) : Exploring the exchanged practices of midwives between Cappadocia and Nea Ionia.
with Vasiliki Sifostratoudaki, 14/07/24
STEP 46 | And then the Moon gave him the key
with Zichen Yin, 29/01/24 01/09/2024
STEP 56 | The rabbit’s eyes are one thing, the owl’s another. Or: you can’t compare peas with pearls.
with Julia Haugeneder, 20/05/24 20/05/2024
STEP 39B | Ways of Doing, Ways of Becoming With
with Juan Duque, 30/01/24 15/06/2024
STEP 43 | Under the rug.
with Irina Novarese, 01/01/24 15/05/2024
STEP 47 | Is This Your First Time In Batman?
with Gizem Üstüner, 29/01/24 15/02/2024
with Ienke Kastelein, 01/01/24 01/04/2024 04/01/2024 7:00 pm
STEP 44 | Grow rapidly, attain great height
with Kalinda Vary, 01/01/24 01/03/2024
STEP 48 | Explore, Experience, Encounter
with Sarah Merten, 14/06/24 01/10/2024
STEP 49 | In Motherhood
with Natalia Escudero, 17/06/24 20/11/2024
STEP 45B | Assembled Patterns II
with Evelyn Vanoverbeke and Aaron Daem, 03/06/24 23/12/2024
STEP 41 | A Score for Surface
with Michelle Mantsio and Phoebe Whitman, 22/01/24 18/01/2025
STEP 50 | Athenian Tsiftetelli
with Elli Vassalou, 03/06/24 22/03/2025
STEP 51 | Magic Eye
with Kerry Ann Lee, 10/06/24 01/03/2025
STEP 52 | A fog of drowsy dreams
with Andrea Meacham, 14/06/24 06/05/2025
STEP 53 | Laundry Station
with Jean-Marie Fahy, 10/06/24 05/06/2025
STEP 28 | Yellow Brick Variations
with Claire Nichols, 14/03/21 06/05/2025
with Eleni Pavlopoulou, 17/06/24 20/09/2024
OPEN CALL | 2024-2025
with Yellow Brick, 02/02/24 02/02/2024
STEP 45 | Assembled Patterns
with Evelyn Vanoverbeke, Aaron Daem, Niovi Zarampouka-Chatzimanou and Dorothea Kritikou, 23/05/23 18/06/2023
STEP 39 | The time and space we create in togetherness
with Juan Duque, 05/04/23 01/05/2023
STEP 40 | [ · — ; ]
with Sarah Rinderer and Ifigeneia Ilia-Georgiadou, 05/04/23 15/09/2023
STEP 38 | Let Them Eat Plastic?
with Maria Sideleva, 24/04/23 27/04/2023 01/01/1970 12:00 am
SHAPING PATTERN | Art workshop for children / Παιδικό εργαστήριο τέχνης
with Marianna Asimakopoulou, Elli Paxinou, Vasiliki Sifostratoudaki and Eleni Fountoulaki, 13/04/23 06/05/2023 05/06/2023 11:00 am
with Vasiliki Sifostratoudaki, Elli Paxinou and Eleni Fountoulaki, 30/03/23 30/03/2023
STEP 36 | Display and Obscure
with Anastasia Shin, 28/03/23 28/03/2023
Mouries, under the trees | Athens Garden Festival
with Mouries Collective, 01/09/21 01/09/2021
STEP 23 | The curve length of the space we possess
with Giannis Delagrammatikas and Yiannis Sinioroglou, 14/02/21 14/02/2021
STEP 24 | Sandboy
with Ivan Masteropoulo, 05/01/23 05/01/2023
STEP 33 | Glean
with Adam John Cullen, 01/10/22 01/10/2022
STEP 32 | Title under construction
with Stella Dimitrakopoulou, 08/12/22 08/12/2022
STEP 35 | The Fate, the Future, and the Plate
with Anna Maria Luczak and Jakob Forster, 26/08/22 26/08/2022
STEP 34 | Mystery 19_ Initiation as Methodology
with Yellow Brick and Snehta Residency, 18/06/22 10/06/2022
STEP 31 | Traditional typography and contemporary artistic practices.
with Giannis Delagrammatikas, Vasiliki Sifostratoudaki and Manos Tsichlis, 15/04/22 12/03/2022
Roaming, Digging, Planting, Meeting, Welcoming, 3 137 | FAR – Floor Area Ratio
with 3 137, 01/12/20 01/12/2020
STEP 30 | No running water
with Giannis Delagrammatikas, Vasiliki Sifostratoudaki and Manos Tsichlis, 08/12/21 07/12/2021
STEP 29 | A liaison to a life no longer ordered from above.
with Clara Json Borg, 01/06/21 01/06/2021
STEP 27 | yes!yes!yes!no!no!
with Olivia Wiederkehr, 05/09/20 05/09/2020
STEP 26 | Domestic drills – Then when did thinking start?
with Eleni Fountoulaki, Kοstas Τsioukas, Manos Tsichlis and Vasiliki Sifostratoudaki, 13/03/20 13/03/2020
STEP 22 | Matter Mythologies
with Rodrigo Andreolli, Petros Lolis and Vasiliki Sifostratoudaki, 01/11/19 01/11/2019
STEP 25 | What Twicks can learn from Brigs!
with Bernd Kraub, 01/10/19 14/10/2019
Nurseries of the unconscious. Desiring-productions and group fantasies
with Christian Oxenius and Nikolas Ventourakis, 01/05/19 01/05/2019
with Yellow Brick, 22/03/23 22/03/2022
ACTION 5 with Und. Athens
with Und. Athens, 13/04/19 13/04/2019
STEP 19 | Hikikomori, the sleeping rebel
with Fleuryfontaine, 22/03/23 21/03/2023
STEP 20 | A magical newspaper with Liz Allan
with Liz Allan, 01/09/18 01/09/2018
Sleeping with a Vengeance, Dreaming of a Life
with Ruth Noack, 01/06/18 01/06/2018
Mauvaises Herbes “New Philadelphia & Little Manchester”
with Anne-Laure Franchette, 01/03/18 01/03/2018
STEP 16 | A set of speeds on slownesses
with Matheline Marmy, 01/09/19 01/09/2019
STEP 18 | The title is to be formed in a later stage of the project with Niels Bekkema
with Niels Bekkema, 01/01/18 01/05/2019
Step 17 | You’ll soon know
with Ash Kilmartin and Collette Rayner, 21/03/19 21/03/2019
STEP 15 | Chew the Rag
with Angelica Falkeling, 01/11/18 01/11/2018
STEP 14 | Handle to door, half-bittersweet
with Raluca Croitoru and Dan Fogarty, 01/09/18 01/09/2018
STEP 5 | Circular
with Ilke Gers, 01/11/18 01/11/2018
STEP 12 | 3,1,1,1
with Clara Json Borg and Michelle Mantsio, 27/01/18 27/01/2018
STEP 13 | Tropicana Beach Hotel
with Eva Giannakopoulou, Vasiliki Sifostratoudaki and Maria Nikiforaki, 01/02/18 04/01/2018
with Paul Nieboer, 01/02/18 01/02/2018
STEP 4 | You must be a poet, a lady of evil luck, desiring to be what you’re not*.
with Federica Bueti and Jan Verwoert, 10/01/17 01/01/2017
STEP 3 | Breadfellows’ Chats
with Clare Breen, 01/09/17 01/09/2017
A series of pocket Utopias Zone d’Utopie Temporaire (Z.U.T.) Part III
with Alice Bonnot, 01/07/17 01/07/2017
STEP 2 | buca #17
with Campus Novel, 01/06/17 01/06/2017
STEP 1 | Translating Medea, Athens.
with Madison Bycroft, 01/04/17 01/04/2017
STEP 0 | Welcome Studio
with Yellow Brick and Cannach MacBride, 01/12/16 01/12/2016